Monday, November 8, 2010

Where There is No Vision, Part 1

In response to Samantha’s post:

I believe she hit the nail on the head. As Proverbs 29:18 clearly states, all of God’s people need to have vision. We always need to look to the future and strive to work to the glory of God. If our visions are Godly, He will bless them.

I do not know how many times I have heard the catch phrase “one day at a time” and have had to bite my tongue. In one sense this can be a valid statement. . On the other hand, we are not to be revolutionaries in coming up with the new and improved ways to define God’s way of doing things. Ecclesiastes is adamant that there is nothing new under the sun. However, we need to be visionaries as we take dominion of the Earth for the King of kings.
How do we become “plodding Christians” as we become visionaries for the kingdom? If I may, we need to have visions that are Godly. What do I mean by this? As we secure a vision, we must ask the Creator what His vision for us is. He will guide. That is His promise. Here is what I believe He has shown me:
The first commands to Adam in the Garden of Eden are (Gen. 1:28) be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over every living thing that moves on the earth.
1. Get that vision of subduing the earth, or at least our corner of it.
3. We do this by raising children to the glory of God. Having them catch the same vision, holding tightly to their heart strings and guiding them along.
4. At the end of the Old Testament the Bible says that if we as fathers do not turn our hearts toward our children and our children do not turn their hearts toward their fathers, God will strike the land with a decree of utter destruction. God’s word is clear; He wants Godly offspring to further the kingdom vision. We mustn’t strive for the worlds defining lifestyle. We must trust the Lord’s best for us is at hand. Whether it looks perfect or not…
5. I look forward to sitting at the great banquet table with my Father where we get to eat the fatted calf that was raised on the hill, the one in a thousand that I was managing for Him, and as I pass the dishes around I notice all those that I had lived with and discussed the Gospel with as I walked this proving ground. What a blessing to pass that simple vision on to my children.

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